Cherry Trees

Cherry blossom, the pandemics and dystopian 90ties Japanese animes

Dystopian animes & Japanese TV series from the 80ties & 90ties were very present in France during my childhood. They have left a durable imprint in my mind as many of them have proved to be quite visionary, anticipating major environmental and humanitarian crisis.

I happened to be in Japan during the rise of the 2020 pandemics. It also coincided with the time of Hanami, the celebration of the short-lived cherry blossom, a symbol of the transient & fragile nature of life. 

There, I started to document intuitively this unprecedented moment in time : the strangeness of the situation, the wariness & the expectation, the invisible threat.
And I was naturally drawn to places or people that reminded me of these tv programs of my youth.

I then started to create a dialogue between my images & these fictions from the past, some of which are starting to look like our current reality.  
